Tuesday 11 November 2014

D.I.Y. CAMP 15-16 OCT 2014

A few months ago, I submitted my name to a 2D1N camp over at Temasek Polytechnic.
It was held mainly over at the Glocal Connect Village, and the entire thing was called Diversity. Inclusion. You.
Basically, it's more of a workshop-ish camp where we discuss the need to accept and include people of different diversities and culture. ^^
The journey over to the East took a pretty long time but the long bus journey alone from end to end was quite nice. ^^

Got mac breakfast (their ham and egg wrap) which was so much smaller than expected. :')
Reached, registered and got our apartment cards!
Just a plain white card with words and number pasted on it.
Dropped off our bags at our own units and met my roommates! ^^
The lock we were supposed to use for when we left the unit.
The first time we used it, Gina left it without changing up the numbers. :'D
Introduction + poster decorating.
This was our group sticker!
The idea was to paste it on other people's poster..
And the one with the most stickers wins!
Markers and stuff.
Lin. Raichu. Gina.
Gina's from NP and Raichu's from TP. ^^
Really soon after, it was time for tea break!
Some savoury pastries and teh tarik.
The food throughout the camp was really good.
Moved to the classrooms after that and got a bowl of sweets!
(To keep us awake.)
So glad they could get along with my excessive need to take pictures of anything/everything and even film (with) them. ^^
Had to write our names and paste it on our shirts. :>
 Look at that fantasticness.
Fried Rice, Tofu, Sweet & Sour Fish and whole chunks of Chikkin.
Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat. *v*
After the workshop, we set off to start preparing dinner.
Basically, each group of groups was assigned to cook up a dish;
German Potato Salad, Malay Rojak etc.
Mine was supposed to make S'mores but then we were sent to the drinks and decoration people.
Had flowers so we put it in our hair and stuff.
Just being such girls :'D
Basically just put everything in my hair hahaha.
There wasn't enough candle holder things so we made them with the foil.
Major struggle here.
(Not that we lighted them up anyway.)
The Mocktail bowl + Cups!
Spent quite a bit of time poking the umbrellas into the cups..
Also broke a few umbrellas.
(What's new..)
So pretty, innit!
My fruit punch brings all the boys to the yard~
They also had catered food for us :'D
They had eggplants!!!
Was quite excited about the S'mores.
The guys prepared them. :>
Spot John!
Our Reflection Poster :>
Chilled and took nap at some rooftop which Raichu brought us to.
Bit like Poolside, but more covered by buildings..
Had a little debrief and then we were dismissed to our apartments.
Took a shower and then we discussed our stories to be submitted the next day.
Got up fairly early the next day, did some stretches and made our way to McDonalds.
Free Sausage McMuffin With Egg & Hot Tea!
To return to GNC, we had to pass by the Design school..
And we found these really cool graffiti walls.
So pictures, of course. :>
E-tien lent me her fish eye lens, which were awesome!
Look at how clear it is. *v*
"Sleep is for the weak."
Sleep is for the week, more like. :')
I love these pictures!! ^^
Was really, really good (because it's spicy).
Like legit spicy Indian food hot dayumnnnnnnn~ :>
Gulab Jamun.
I see this dessert alot but never really (dared to) tasted it.
I don't like it but I don't hate it either.
The syrup is really, very sweet but the little balls itself are very spiced (not spicy).
So it's this mixture of spices and aromas and very sweet things.
But it's so cute and round and poke-y.
A few more workshops in and out of the classroom and made a few new friends. :>
My head's kind of tilted weird, dontchu think? :/
Love the lens!! ^^
These chumps of mine. ^^
 2 of the workshop holders!
Really enjoyed their sessions. ^^
 Went back to the apartment to pack and get our things and snapped a few pictures too. :>
Basically, from here down are all a random collection of pictures taken.

So glad I met these two babes for this lil' camp.
It definitely wouldn't have been the same with other peeps. :>
Also super glad to have had the other 3 chumps with me, hehehe it was nice to spend all the little snippets of time throughout the camp with you lot. ^^
Here's a little something new I'm trying out lately. ^^

Du vet jeg elsker deg.

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