Saturday, 18 April 2015

S8VENTURES: Pond + Said Sibs + Overdrive II + Misc Happy Things!. ^^ :)

A catch up on what has been. :>
Little catch up session with Natha at Yishun Pond.
(At least I think that's what it's called.)
It was a pretty nice place!
"There's a pond. Oh and a hospital right behind. How convenient."
"Why do you think I brought you here?"
Lin: *takes endless selfie with new app* *hands over phone to Natha* Nah, you want to play?
9 selfies is challenging. :')
She changed into hobo pants to match me.
The most comfortable outfit ever. ^^
Headed back to her place and watched Blades Of Glory and had a good laugh. :')
Thank you!

With the Said Siblings.
More selfie app things.
We couldn't figure out why Ezt's pictures always turns out like these.
Like really close to the camera.
Like...why :/ :'D
Followed the bro to get his shoes at Queensway.
Also had KFC and random conversations and responses that even we couldn't comprehend. :')
*Enters MRT*
Bro: Eh, dia Muslim eh? Kesian dia takde bapak. Hyun Bin apa?
Headed to JE afterwards to get Patbingsu.
We then claimed a free Cotton Candy, where the lady asked for my age and I got really brain-shocked cause it was the first time I had to answer "20" since I turned that age.
But I got Cotton Candy so I was happy.
It was of such a cute shape too. :>

A day with Aqilah. ^^
Craved cakes and they had the 1-for-1 thing so yay!
Caught up on many a thing and this girl actually just came back from her trip and she came to see my face hahaha aww. :')
She made us make a sneaky trip to NUS UCC (correct bus, wrong stop hahaha) and surprised me with this..
And it's so funny how we seemed like lost under-dressed sheep hehehehe!
Cool pendulum-ish thingies (I don't know what they're called) that I just saw on Rap Monster's Do You MV!
Our seats were not bad too. :')
It was so funny after the show. :')
Like, 99% of the people in the audience went off looking for their friends (i.e. the performers) to congratulate them and stuff but both of us were just like "ok....let's go home?" :'D
Thank you for the souvenirs, the surprise, the time spent with me and just everything.
Stay strong *hugs*

Souvenirs from Ashley from her Taiwan trip!
Got so excited upon seeing and receiving them hehe thank you!! ^^
Goreng Pisang + Cheese + Chocolate.
Weird sounding right?
Yes, but once I tried it back in Batam I was totally mindblown.
Probably one of the best things I've tasted, ever.
But the one I made was still pretty meh.
Try again! :>

Du vet jeg elsker deg.

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