Hello :)
How have you been coping?
Really well, I hope. :)
For Hari Raya Haji this year, Nyai (Grandma) made Satay.
So I took up the tough job of skewering them and we bbq-ed them on the eve~
Yum yum. Nyai makes the best Satay :>
We used this on-the-spot bbq foil thing that made the whole kitchen smoke up like there was fiyaaaah~
And then we brought it out to the corridor and asked ourselves why didn't we just do that at first :'D
Seriously though, the smoke was so thick and hardcore it was became like tear gas :')
^ A picture The Dzuls would most likely take of themselves.
Talking bout The Dzuls....
These two handsome little monsters totally lived up Hari Raya Haji ^^
Then the next day arrived, marking the end of the 2-month semester break.
Just 3 days have passed and I must admit that I really do treasure the 2-month holiday in comparison to all the other school breaks I've had in my life.
Most of our classes are held in the school's new block.
So we had to take pictures with the new clean Turquoise walls~

Yesssssssss, our 3rd remake of our first picture together.
Hahahaha I moved in this picture and JJ (who snapped the pictures for us) exclaimed "EYYY WHY YOU MOVE?!??!" :'D
Dina gave us these candies which were so gooooood *.*
They had questions on the wrappers like "What is one secret you never told anyone" or "What the most embarrassing thing you've done" and we were like "THERE'S A REASON WHY IT'S A SECRET!!"
The new LT did not have sufficient seats for all 7 classes and we came a little late so we had to sit in a corner.
Which was surprisingly pretty darn comfy, if you ask me.
Had like 4 hours of lecture and I sat comfortably on the floor with my babesies~ :>
Now I know why Malays like to "lepak one corner"~ :>
"Make sad face!"
*snaps and looks at picture*
"Rifqa, how is that a sad face?" :'D
Had to take a sticker each, and there were green, blue, orange etc.
Decided we should all take the color in case the activity was to find someone else with the same color sticker.
Thought we made a very smart move but it turned out that we just had to paste the stickers on a piece of paper =.=" :'D
At another module, we had to continue from the thread and draw something that best describes ourselves.
I tried to draw a balloon which turned out looking like a sperm?!
"Then you can say that you're a winner because you won a race even before you were born."
Drew what was supposed to be a silhouette of my face (bottom) and a thought bubble (top) which turned out looking like a fetus. =.=
Also tried drawing a snake which looks like a duck.
Since I've been reaching school early, I always have some time to grab breakfast.
And Mr Bean has been my Number 1 choice (as noticed by the classmates haha) ^^
Heard good things about the Strawberry Cheesecake pancake and I must say I do like it. :)
Friday was one of the shorter days so headed out to Clementi Mall with Rifqa & Dina for lunch @ LJS.
Yum yum.
Took 166 home and it was helluva long and lonely ride D':
It was convenient, but veryyyyy long.
Headed to school on the Saturday with Nathasha yet again in the early morning, and then by noon I rushed off in the rain to get a cab.
It started raining pretty heavily by the time I was at the bus stop and I had no idea how to hail a cab, but I saw one, flagged out my arm and ran out into the rain.
Thank God the cabbie saw me and picked me up ^^
Let me just tell you something right now.
That was my FIRST taxi ride ALONE.
This is something pretty huge for me okay?!
My parents was never into the whole idea of me taking cabs on my own, like ever since I can remember, so I was like hehehehehehehe :O *.*
I did feel a little nervous but I knew where I was heading to so yay!!
And the cabbie was nice and he drove safe in the heavy rain so thank you taxi man you have made my first cab ride alone very pleasant.
HAHAHAHA okay I'm clearly a little too happy about this, so I shall move on :')
Grand Hyatt's Straits Kitchen for lunch.
Mum & Dad organized a little gathering for their Hajj mates and brought the brother and I along.
Yes, I have eaten here before so this time I was really determined to eat more than I did the previous time.
LOL DAD. :')
Attacked the Indian food first because I really liked the rice and kept thinking of it the last time.
Char Kway Teow, Carrot Cake, Fried Chikkin in Prawn Paste.
Different from the last time, which was Hor Fun.
This was just as good too.
Can never go wrong with Satay.
(Yes, I should've taken the green one for the sauce, but I guess I wanted something matching.)
I love Kuehs and I cannot like.
My love for Muah Chee is inevitable.
Garlic & Non-Garlic Naan :')
I took Lime, Guava and Asam Drinks :')
The Lime didn't help with the heat (/spiciness) of the food at all, but the Guava did very well :D
Bubur Pulut Hitam.
My favorite Malay dessert when I was a kid, used to love it when Nyai cooked this.
Ice Kacang.
Asked for extra corn on the top :>
Horlicks Ice Cream yum yum.
The brother insisted on this.
So many little teapots!
Oh yes, I practically sat the same seat hahaha :')
Oh wait.
By this time, I was already so full I thought I was going to burst.
My brother is so glam.
HAHAHA I made him do this!
So overexposed.
My artistic POV.
They carried on with their conversations and goodbyes so we just.. :>
Was deciding where to head next and I suggested we should "surprise" Ezt at her workplace..
Such good timing though, she was having her break at a spot easily seen.
(I put the "" on surprise because I wasn't sure if she would actually be surprised lololol but I think yes, we succeeded.)
Gosh, I really look like Iman here.
And like Ezt here.
Hehehehe Iman with the hat is just so giggle-worthy :'D
Walked around Ion for a while and then went back home.
Also went to bed really early. :)
So it seems like this semester is going to be pretty darn hectic.
Just 3 days into school and I have already been chasing sleep.
I am almost going on office hours, if not 12 hours per day and I don't think I have ever done this before haha.
And one thing about me is that when I lack sleep or am tired, my face shows it, and often times people think I'm ill or something. :(
I really wish I had a "brighter" face :((((
Also, thank God for the existence of the shuttle bus, really been helping me out with going to school like I never thought it would.
Full week ahead and I cant wait to get through with it.
Only four months in a semester but so much squeezed into it.
I never actually thought Poly life would be like this.
But gear up, guys.
Let's do this.
Du vet jeg elsker deg.