Saturday, 16 July 2016


To be completely honest,
You look exhausted.
Exhausted from endlessly trying, trying, trying to make things work.
If not for yourself, then for others.
Perhaps so that other people don't feel what you feel, or go through what you've gone through.
Perhaps to protect them from the evil that you know.
Or perhaps to protect you from anything worse that could possibly happen.

You look exhausted, almost bruised..
You smile and keep the atmosphere so bright and lovely.
It radiates from you, everything bright.
But it takes one more than just seeing that.

Perhaps it's due to my own beliefs and views in life -
There are two sides of everything.
I would like to call it BALANCE but..
Sometimes it does not feel like the weights are equal.

Maybe it never is.

But then again, maybe it is.

And that,
I know that sometimes when you tell people that they'll be fine,
Or the littlest advice you tell others..
They are ways of you trying to tell yourself the same thing,
Just that..
It doesn't seem to work on yourself as well as it does on the ones you tell it to.

When I look at you,
I feel nothing but admiration.

How you're strong enough to think of leaving - yet still live.

I cant put into words what you've done to/for me.
It's cause of what you've done for yourself.