Wednesday, 30 September 2015


Hello there.

I've been having one too many thoughts lately.
There were so much that happened in 2014 and 2015.
I thought of keeping a yearly planner thing for 2016, where I can just jot down any highlights or lowlights of days..
But then I realised that perhaps one of the reasons why I don't keep a planner/diary is so that it is easier for me to forget the more bitter things.

Why have I become so reserved and worry-ful now?
I try NOT to do anything because I'm afraid of what people think or say about my abilities.
To some, it appears as though I'm playing safe with everything.
But to me, it's better safe than sorry.
Because sometimes people just cannot forgive.

Maybe I need a break.
The last one did me so well, but it only lasted about a week and a half.
And then everything faded bit by bit..
And now I am just needing another break.

I don't even have it that hard.
But I cant keep comparing my problems with that of others..
And I cant keep getting myself affected with the problems of others..
That's not completely right..

"You can't fix all the problems in the world."
Yeah, Lin, what makes you think you can?

I don't doubt my existence, but I do question it.
Of what purpose am I here, and what difference would it make if I am not?
I am trying to stop it, though..
These sort of thoughts can be pointless and never-ending.
Life has to go on..

Failure hurts when you have tried.
Failure hurts even more when you know you could've done something about it but your heart is just too damn soft to have fought for anything.


So it's OK.

You're going to hurt me?

It's OK.

So will everything else.

Thursday, 3 September 2015

22 August '15: SAM + SG NightFest with Rifqa. ^^ :)

Hello there. ^^ :)
Made a little trip to Singapore Art Museum and SG Night Festival with Rifqa one weekend.
Enjoy ^^
"Why is there Adventure Time in here?" :')
"You remind me of artifact number 54 of the exhibition at SAM." :'D
Pretty floors.
One of my favorite pieces here.
It's the Dream Catcher exhibition, go drop by and let me know if you get it and how you liked it. ^^
My favorite noodles to have at PappaRich and/or Old Town White Coffee.
Plus lotsa chilli padi. *v*
The colours were sooo pretty. *v*
Coke break.
Super lovely day!
"Did you bring the voucher?"
"No, I didn't.... Does this mean it's invalid?? Do I get to redeem it again?"

Till then!

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